Saturday 12 November 2011

Actuarial KPO

Actuaries are highly skilled professionals and are in great demand in insurance industry all over the world. Due to recently privatised industry here in India , first wave of qualified actuaries will be out within two years. By that time number of Actuarial Students will also be quite large.

KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing industry in india is growing rapidly. Since Actuaries all over the world are in great demand and India promises to provide skilled manpower to cater this need. KPO industry in india ( in actuarial field) promises to be a big employer and money spinner in coming 5 years.

Many IT companies have already sensed this oppurtunity and already started to stablish their KPO's. Other big multinational insurance company also have started to offshore their Actuarial Work to Indian subsidary.

Lets see how this industry fair in the future.

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